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HSA AUG. 2023 SOTM WINNERS / SEPT. 1, 2023 ON-LINE MEETING / SEPT. 10 and SEPT. 11 Face-to-Face Mtgs

Attention HSA Members,

Congratulations to the HSA August 2023 Song of the Month Winners, Narissa Bond with her song titled CELIA and to Wallace Chase for his song titled THE THIEF. Honorable Mention for the song with the 3rd highest number of votes goes to Jay Harris for his song titled CASTAWAY CARES. You can hear the songs for the August monthly winners on the Home Page of our website at

A special thanks to the 24 members who participated in commenting on the songs and the 28 members who voted. We are very grateful to those members who may not be able to upload songs each month, but still take the time to support their fellow songwriters by reviewing, commenting and voting on the songs that are posted.

SEPTEMBER 0N-LINE MEETING- The September On-line Meeting is now open. You can access all of the open areas for the Song of the Month entries on the Home Page by clicking on Meeting Information/Monthly/Schedule on our website.

The September 2023 Schedule for the Song of the month entries are as follows:

September 1 -12 Upload songs for submissions and comments by members

September 1 -27 Songs can continue to be reviewed by members

September 15 -21 Songwriters can revise their song, if necessary

September 22 -30 Voting for September Song of the Month

Remember anyone who is registered on the website may comment on the songs posted each month. There is also an additional area for scoring sections of the song in the comments area along with the written comments as well. Only the songwriter will be able to see both the scoring area and written comments by clicking on the Edit area and the title of the song they wish to see.

Reminder: All HSA members who are current in their yearly dues who upload a minimum of 4songs to the website throughout the HSA Calendar Year (11 songs) may be eligible for the Songwriter of the Year Award.

HOUSTON FACE-TO-FACE MEETING – is on the 2nd Sunday of the month, September 10, 2023, at Kojak’s Fine Foods, 1912 W 18th St., Houston TX 77008. The doors open at 1:30PM and the meeting starts at 2:00PM.

GALVESTON FACE-TO-FACE MEETING is on the 2nd Monday of the month, September 11, 2023 at the Huli Huli Hut (Behind the White Door), 310 19th St., Galveston, TX 77550, starting at 7:00PM.

Members are welcome to attend either or both meetings, if they wish to do so. You may perform your song live or bring a recording. The guidelines and timelines for presenting songs, etc., remain the same for both meetings. Only members who are current in their annual dues may present one song per month. Members who bring a song to the face-to-face meeting for commenting, should provide 30 copies of the lyric sheets to be passed out to the attending members. Songs can be played live or with a recording. Note, if you bring in a song that has already been posted to the website for the current month, it must be the same song you bring to the Face-to-Face meeting. You cannot bring in a different song during the month. If you are planning to upload your song in the September Song of the Month Contest, you must do so by Tuesday night, September 12, 2023.

Thank you for your continued membership, support and participation in helping us be successful. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible at


Houston Songwriters Association

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